‘I can do all things through him who strengthens me.’ - Philippians 4:13
At St. Joseph’s, we want to develop children who are emotionally ready for our ever-changing world. Our Relationships, Social and Health Education (RSHE) work supports children to feel happy and safe. We want our children to make the right choices in life, so that they can grow up to be successful and happy adults who can make a meaningful contribution to the wider world.
A child at St. Joseph’s will:
- Know what the difference between right and wrong
- Have a voice
- Be resilient
- Be happy
- Be confident
- Stand up for what is right
- Understand and tolerate differences
Our RSHE curriculum is well-planned out using the schemes, Ten Ten and Coram’s SCARF. These schemes are used from EYFS right through to Year 6. The three main strands throughout the school are: relationships and mental well-being, keeping safe and physical health and fitness. At the start of every year, the children enjoy the visit from the Life Education van, which is part of the Coram programme.
In EYFS, children will learn who special people are to them, good and bad feelings, as well as healthy eating. As the children move through KS1, they talk about what makes them angry and how to cope with this. They learn about keeping their bodies safe and how to look after themselves .By the time children leave St. Joseph’s in Year 6, they will have covered topics on drugs, smoking and alcohol, being safe on line and puberty.
Work completed by our Year 6 students:
Please see our RSHE curriculum overview below.