British Values
We promote British values through our core Christian values and our SMSC (spiritual, moral, social, cultural) provision.
Our core values:
Respect ~ Honesty ~ Resilience ~ Independence,
Courage ~ Compassion ~ Curiosity ~ Community
Our values link to school mission statement:
We are all God’s children and will try to live, love, work and serve as Jesus taught us.
Our core values are given their Christian distinctiveness by being grounded in the Christian story – in the life and teachings of Jesus. They are at the centre of: our school Christian ethos; curriculum and wider provision; policies and planning; day-to-day interactions and decisions.
Through our values underpinning all we do and through ensuring pupils’ SMSC development, we are actively promoting fundamental British Values.
British Values: democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
We promote these values in line with the Government’s PREVENT anti-terrorist strategy.