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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

We are all God's children and will try to live, love, work
and serve as Jesus taught us.

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What support is there for my child's wellbeing?

What support will there be for my child's overall well-being?

At St Joseph’s we promote the wellbeing and inclusion of each child in our school community and also the wider community. We give children opportunities to develop educationally, emotionally, spiritually and morally.

  • We have a behaviour policy which promotes appropriate behaviour in and around school and that also enables staff to guide children.
  • We have Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSA) who work with children experiencing emotional issues.
  • We have a high quality Nurture Classroom designed to meet the learning, emotional, social and individual needs of children within the school community.
  • The Head teacher oversees attendance issues and meets with parents as necessary.

