
St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School’s vision is that all children and young people should receive high quality Physical Education (PE) lessons as well as have access to an outstanding range of extra-curricular sport and physical activity opportunities. Our vision is promoted through the School Games values of determination, honesty, passion, respect, self-belief and teamwork.
Our ambition is that all pupils leave St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School physically literate and with the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy, active lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport. PE and sport can have a positive impact on readiness for learning, cognitive performance, confidence, life skills, wellbeing and physical literacy. As a school, we have been actively involved in the development of the Christchurch School Sport Partnership and we now work closely with Partnership Manager, Daniel Moody. All of the infant, junior and primary schools in the Christchurch Learning Partnership have collaborated to form this partnership.
The Christchurch School Sport Partnership has invested in a PE resource called Complete PE. At St. Joseph’s we use this to deliver high quality PE focussing on physical literacy in KS1 teaching stability, locomotion and object control which transitions into sport specific PE in KS2 such as tag rugby, handball and athletics. Embedded within these Complete PE lessons is the Youth Sport Trust’s My Personal Best programme which teaches life skills such as resilience, honesty, respect and self-belief. We also use the assessment tool in Complete PE to monitor children’s progress in PE.
At St. Joseph’s we have a comprehensive extra-curricular sporting programme. Our intra-sports competitions (house matches) run throughout the year for KS2 pupils in football, tag-rugby, handball, netball, tennis, tri-golf and rounders culminating in our School Games Finals day held in July. As a member of the Christchurch School Sport Partnership we participate in many inter sport events some of which are competitive and others being inclusive events such as the Dare to Believe festivals. St. Joseph’s have held the Gold School Games Mark since 2016/17.
"Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize."
1 Corinthians 9:24