How will St Joseph's prepare my child for the next stage of education?
How will St. Joseph’s prepare and support my child moving to the next stage of their education.
- We work closely with parents and Early Years providers to support the transition of children into our Foundation Stage class. Pupil records are passed on to the class teacher. If appropriate, the teacher and Inclusion Leader will meet staff from the Early Years provider to discuss specific needs.
- Pupils are prepared for moving on to another class. They have the opportunity to meet their new teacher prior to the end of the summer term. Teachers meet to discuss the learning and pastoral needs of every child who will be in their new class and to pass on information to the new teacher of their present class. Some children may need extra visits, photographs or social stories to ensure a smooth transition.
- SEND Support plans are reviewed at the end of each school year and targets are set for the new school year. Records of intervention are passed to the new teacher to ensure continuity of provision.
- In Year 6, much work is done on transition to secondary school. Additionally, at the end of the summer term, pupils attend their new school for a day to prepare them for the changes in September. At St Joseph’s we ensure that transition for pupils with SEND happens as smoothly as possible. We contact the new school and meet with their Inclusion Team to ensure that information relating to their education and support is passed on. We ensure that all SEND records are given to the new school. If necessary, parents of children with SEND can make an appointment with the new school to make an additional visit.
- If a pupil with SEND moves to specialist provision, we ensure that we work closely with the other setting to provide a period of transition to enable the change to be managed as smoothly as possible for the individual and their family.