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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

We are all God's children and will try to live, love, work
and serve as Jesus taught us.

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Committee Structure

Committee Structure for 2022-2023

Admissions Committee:

Mrs Elizabeth Rippon
Mrs Sinead Cheeseborough
Mrs Brigid Hincks (Chair of Committee)
Mrs Nicola Dennison

Father Paul Obada

Finance Committee:

Dr Pete Barry
Mrs Elizabeth Rippon
Dr Peter Hartley (Chair of Committee)
Mrs Brigid Hincks
Mr Andy McLaughlin

Premises Committee:

Mr Mike Board
Mrs Sam James
Mrs Elizabeth Rippon
Mrs Sinead Cheeseborough
Mrs Brigid Hincks

HR & Pay Committee:

Mrs Margaret Bond (Chair of Committee)
Mrs Elizabeth Rippon

Mrs Gemma Hinchliffe

Mr Andy Webb

Curriculum & SEND Committee:

Mrs Elizabeth Rippon

Mrs Brigid Hincks
Mrs Nicola Dennison
Mr Nathan Rickard
Mrs Rachel McMillan (Chair of Committee)
Mrs Sinead Cheeseborough

Performance Management Committee:

Dr Peter Hartley (Chair of Committee)
Mrs Brigid Hincks
To be confirmed



IT Governor:

Dr Pete Barry

Pupil Premium Governor:

Mrs Sinead Cheeseborough

SEND Governor:

Mrs Nicola Dennison

Complaints/Appeal Committee:

To be appointed if/as/when required


Mrs Elizabeth Rippon
Mrs Gemma Hinchliffe

Clerk to the Governors:

Mrs Jane Farrell



Health & Safety and Risk Management are incorporated in the Premises Committee

Pupil Discipline and Staff Dismissal are incorporated in the Human Resource Committee although the Head Teacher alone can exclude a pupil from school.

The Admissions, Pupil Discipline and Appeal Committees need an independent clerk (NOT A GOVERNOR).

Full Governing Body

Attendance at Meetings - Academic Year 2023-2024

If you would like to request paper copies of the Governing Body minutes, please contact the school office.








Out of possible

Peter BarryYYYY44
Mike BoardYNYY34
Margaret BondYYYY44
Brian CassidyY-----
Sinead CheeseboroughYYYN34
Nicola DennisonYYYN34
Peter HartleyYYYY44
Gemma HinchliffeYYNY34
Brigid HincksYYYY44
Samantha JamesYYNN24
Andrew McLaughlinYNNN14
Rachel McMillanNYYY34
Paul ObadaYYYY44
Hugh ParryY-----
Nathan RickardNYNN14
Elizabeth RipponYYYY44
Andy WebbNYYY34


Note 1 - Associate Governor without voting rights

Note 2 - Started 27th January 2023

