Welcome to St Joseph's
What is St Joseph’s School like?
………well come and look around!
Choosing a school for your child is an important decision and we completely understand that you will want to look around before you decide. In the Autumn we hold a number of “showarounds”, led by our Headteacher Mrs Rippon, for parents considering the school for the following year’s Reception class intake. For in-year entries we are also able to offer more bespoke tours. Please do not hesitate to contact the School Office either by phone or email to make an appointment.
How do I apply for a place?
If your child is due to start school for the first time you will need to complete the admissions process through your home local authority. The application is done online. If you are a Bournemouth, Christchurch or Poole resident please visit BCP’s own website - BCP School Admissions.
A Supplementary Information Form (SIF) is also required. This is available either from the school or by clicking on the link below. The completed form must be returned to the school in person together with any supporting documentation by the published closing date, which for September entry is 15th January of the relevant year.
For in-year entries you should contact BCP via their website and complete the Local Authority Form. Where applicable, a SIF should also be completed.
Download the Supplementary Information Form at the bottom of the page.
As it is a paper form which needs to be signed and a receipt obtained, we regret submission online is not an option.
How are places at the school decided?
Places are allocated in accordance with criteria detailed in our Admissions Policy, copies of which are available to download at the bottom of the page.
When will my child start school?
Children start school in the September of the school year of their fifth birthday.
What happens before my child starts school?
We want to make your child’s entry to the school as happy and relaxed as possible. You and your child will be invited to one of our “Stay & Play” afternoons which are held in July. During those sessions your child will spend time in their new class with their new classmates. This allows them to meet their new friends and get to see what their classroom will be like in an informal relaxed environment. Whilst they are enjoying themselves the parents meet in the hall to get important information about the school, such as uniform, school dinners, after school clubs etc.
In September the new Reception class start a few days after the rest of the school. During those first few days of September you and your child will have a home visit from our Reception class teacher and teaching assistant in your home setting before they start school.
Can I appeal if my child is not offered a place?
Yes, you have the right of appeal if your application for a place for your child is refused.
Appeals for main round applications will be heard in-line with BCP’s Admissions Appeals Timetable. For information on BCP Schools’ Admission Appeals, please see pdf below.
Appeals Timetable
Downloadable Documents
Please read our Vision, Aims and Values page.
To find out about our Governing Body at St Joseph's please visit our Governors page.