Welcome to the PTA
A warm welcome to St Joseph’s School PTA!
Our mission is to “enrich our children’s school lives through fundraising.”
Being part of the PTA is a very rewarding experience and can make such a difference in your child’s school life. We have a very hard-working team of PTA members but we do need more helping hands, so please do consider joining, even if for just a few hours. We love to see new members and being part of the PTA often produces many long-lasting friendships.
Meet our PTA
St. Joseph’s Parent and Teachers Association is made up of a committee of elected people. The positions are: Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary. All of these positions can be shared so you can join up with another parent to take a role. We have class representatives (usually one in each class year), a teacher representative and our President is Headteacher Mrs Elizabeth Rippon. Every year we hold an AGM when new members or existing members are voted in. Anyone can nominate themselves - we send out nomination forms every year so if you'd like to join please come along!
What does the PTA do?
We help to raise money for the little extras and luxuries for the children by holding fantastic fundraising events. The money raised has so far helped us to purchase our new improved Trim Trail in the playground, a new reading scheme for the whole school, play equipment for Foundation Stage and KS1, digital cameras, a friendship bench, lunchtime play equipment, our playground train, a Science Dome and Christmas and Easter crafts for every class. Our superb events include our hugely popular Summer Fayre, Christmas Fayre, Christmas Disco, Race Night, Quiz Night, Easter raffle, Book Fairs and more.
How to get involved
Come and join us at a meeting or offer your time to help at any of our events. More helping hands are always welcome! Your PTA needs you – remember it’s for the children. To contact the PTA please email admin@stjosephs.dorset.sch.uk
When and where are the meetings?
We hold the meetings once a month in school - we try to keep the meetings brief as we know everyone has busy lives! We discuss upcoming and future events.