How will I know how my child is doing?
How will I know how my child is doing?
At St. Joseph’s each child’s progress and attainment is regularly monitored by the class teacher, Head teacher, Deputy Head teacher and the Inclusion Leader. Progress is measured against age related expectations and local and national expectations. Additionally, we closely monitor the progress of each child as they move through the school.
- Children are assessed by their teacher each term.
- Pupil progress meetings are held regularly to review each child’s progress.
- Children are formally assessed via Standard Assessment Tests (SATs) at the end of Key Stage One (Year 2) and Key Stage Two (Year 6).
- Children with SEND Support Plans have their targets formally reviewed every term and the Inclusion Leader monitors their progress regularly.
- If a pupil has an EHCP, an annual person centred review is held with all involved in the individual’s education to celebrate achievements, discuss progress and set targets for the coming year.
We keep parents informed of their child’s progress in different ways:
- Parents’ evening
- End of Year Reports
- Additional meetings with teaching staff as required to discuss progress.
Parents are welcome to make an appointment with staff to discuss their child’s education.