Operation Encompass
Operation Encompass and domestic abuse
Operation Encompass directly connects the police with schools to ensure support for children living with domestic abuse in their homes. Operation Encompass is a charitable organisation set up in 2011, which has since enabled effective interventions to many thousands of children who've experienced domestic abuse. Their aim is to provide an efficient, confidential channel of communication between police forces and safeguarding leads within schools. This enables the immediate and discrete recognition of the child's situation by the school, ensuring a secure and sympathetic environment is provided and the broader effects of abuse are addressed.
For more information please visit the Operation Encompass website: www.operationencompass.org
Please see the pdf document below: 'Working to break the cycle of Domestic Abuse'
Protecting children from domestic abuse
Domestic abuse is any type of controlling, coercive, threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between people who are, or who have been in a relationship. It can include physical, sexual, psychological, emotional or financial abuse. Children never just ‘witness’ domestic abuse; it always has an impact on them.
Please visit the NSPCC website for additional advice on identifying children who are affected by domestic abuse and how they can be helped is available. www.nspcc.org.uk
Local domestic abuse services:
National Domestic Violence Helpline: 0808 2000247
Poole Domestic Abuse Outreach: 01202 710777.