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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

We are all God's children and will try to live, love, work
and serve as Jesus taught us.

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Reading is at the heart of our curriculum. At St Joseph’s we aim to develop reading skills with our pupils in order to improve their life chances, provide them with life skills and to promote reading for pleasure and enjoyment.

We believe that reading can open doors for our pupils and can help them to gain experiences, improve language and vocabulary skills and stimulate their imaginations.  We aim to create confident readers who have good independent learning skills and develop a range of interests through reading. Reading for pleasure contributes to educational success, our journey to success focuses on developing a life-long love of reading and equipping our pupils for the next stage on their journey.

We are striving to create a passionate reading community. We believe that every child should be given the tools to develop into an enthusiastic confident reader.

Reading Spine

Please see the reading spine below for recommended reads in KS2.


St Joseph's uses Little Wandle for phonics and early reading provision in Reception and Year 1. Please see a link to Little Wandle Letters and Sounds here or view these resources for parents below.


It is our vision that every child will learn to write by being given real and exciting materials and opportunities. We will show and explain everyday occurrences to the children and inspire them to write about them. We will share excellent writing to inspire children to emulate styles. We encourage children to read their work for enjoyment, to read it aloud to others and provide audiences for writing. We want children to have an understanding that writing has a real purpose and that word choice and style can bring about change. We are also part of the Letter-join handwriting scheme and any of our pupils wishing to practise their handwriting at home can now log in to the Letter-join website on iPads and tablets as well as desktop and laptop computers. There you will find the same, easy-to-use handwriting resources as we use at school. Please contact the school office, 01202 485976, and the login details can be emailed to you.

For more information please see the National Curriculum on the DfE website:

English Programmes of Study, Key Stages 1 and 2

National Curriculum

